Restaurant Go.老吳的西洋料理位於科博館與勤美綠園道附近巷弄內。曾獲得「2020台中米其林餐盤」時尚法國菜殊榮。
Restaurant Go.老吳的西洋料理位於科博館與勤美綠園道附近巷弄內。曾獲得「2020台中米其林餐盤」時尚法國菜殊榮。
星饗道國際自助餐 關於 以官網更新為主(2023. […]
About Joe’s Papa Al […]
The Janda Golden Tulip Hotel, officially opened in 2023, is an international star-brand hotel chain located in Wuqi District, Taichung City, covering an area of 2.5 hectares. It takes only 5-15 minutes to drive to Mitsui Outlet in Taichung Port, Gaomei Wetland, and Wuqi Tourist Fishing Port.
The hotel has four floors, 118 guest rooms, restaurant, gym, free parking space, children’s entertainment room…
震大金鬱金香酒店為國際星級品牌連鎖飯店,位於台中梧棲,佔地2.5公頃,有自己的國際會議中心。酒店有四層樓,118間 客房、餐廳、健身房、免費停車位、兒童娛樂室……